Compra Fácil: Supermercado

by Donovan Rodrigues Amorim


0.59 usd

Make your purchases at the supermarket by configuring the app according to the supermarket you buy most.Configure the categories, this is the second ordering of products, the first ordering is up to the Corridor field, this field is more used in a supermarket with more than one aisle with products of the same category.Configure the numbers of the aisles directly in the product register, order according to the sequence you walk in the supermarket, it will be easier in the next purchases.The system always has only one purchase, after saving the purchase data, the products will leave the cart and return to the shelf, but the list will remain the same as the last purchase, facilitating the items of the next purchase, because we can buy several of the same products always .The saved purchase only calculates the quantity and values ​​of the products that are in the cart.The products that are being placed in the cart are sent to the end of the list marked with the orange cart.You can change the values ​​of the product the moment you put it in the cart, you can increase or decrease the quantity directly in the purchase.Good shopping.